You can use the Extract Variable refactoring even on incomplete statements.This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreementġ.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in the License Agreement as the "SDK" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement.
The shortcuts such as F1 (View | Quick Documentation), ⌘P (View | Parameter Info), ⌘B (Navigate | Declaration) and others can be used not only in the editor but in the code completion popup list as well.
All the words from the current file that start with the typed prefix will appear in the lookup list. Use Basic Completion (⌃Space) for completing words in text and comments in files of many different types.To easily evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, select its text in the editor (you may press a ⌥↑ a few times to efficiently perform this operation) and press ⌥F8.You can also invoke the hierarchy view right from the editor to see the hierarchy for the currently edited class. To see the inheritance hierarchy for a selected class, press ⌃H (Navigate | Type Hierarchy).Use the ⇧⌘V shortcut to choose and insert recent clipboard contents into the text.